A seven year-old takes on National Adoption Month, Gotcha Day, and generally tells it like it is

A good reminder to seek out adoptee voices, especially during National Adoption Month. This piece definitely brings back a lot of feelings from my early childhood. Deep thoughts, simple words. And clearly lots of trust, love, and openness in this mother/daughter relationship.


The following is from my seven year-old daughter. We came up with the questions together but the answers are 100% hers.

What does it feels like to be adopted?

I like being adopted because I enjoy where I am but I do have some sad moments. That is normal but those sad moments are hard. It feels like my heart is a puzzle and there is a piece missing that is missing because I am not in Ethiopia. Some of the puzzle pieces that are here are my grandmother, my mama, our dog, my grandmother’s dog, our two fish that passed away, and my friends, and family-friends.

Sometimes I feel like I don’t belong here. When I’m having a hard time I scream in a pillow sometimes. I cry and kick the backseat of the car. When that happens I’m thinking “I don’t belong here but I’m here. I don’t…

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